From the Ground Up

garden garden design gardening self care Apr 25, 2023

There's something deeply satisfying about turning a blank slate into something beautiful, but what if you already had something beautiful and it was unexpectedly lost?

I love the synchronicity of the clients that find me, and the stages in my life at the time.

It's been a long few years since the pandemic forced me to completely shift gears.

The life I had been living and building has completely changed, and while I couldn't see it at first, it's definitely been in my best interest.

Closing my yoga studio, moving from Toronto to Alliston, and finding work at the most beautiful garden centre around, has brought me back to myself.

It cleared the slate for something even more beautiful to grow.

But make no mistake...I RAGED against it.

I cried. I screamed. I cried some more. There may have been wine consumed. I cried even more.


And then the skies opened, and I allowed myself to let go of it all.

I stopped spending all of my time remembering what life USED to look like, and started looking at what life COULD BE.

I started small, and am growing slowly.


Which brings me to today.

I'm currently working with a lovely couple, who lost a beautiful old maple tree in a terrible windstorm last year.

The tree was an emotional loss for the couple, and even their kids who have grown and flown were shocked by the absence.

It provided shade and privacy, kept landscaping needs minimal, and offered the family a beautiful focal point most of the year.

 The loss of the maple changed everything, and caused a little collateral damage when it fell.

The euonymous was crushed, and the micro-climate of the front yard has done a complete 180.

After some time, the couple have done their grieving.

Now it's time to let go of what was, and embrace the potential of a clean slate.

This is going to be a deeply meaningful project for all of us, and I can't wait to share the results.